Source BV in the Newspaper.
Read the entire story here (In Dutch).
Article in light of Source moving to Hoorn to a location what was used by whalers in the past. Therefor the headline: "No Whale meat but bbq Skewers"
Birds perspective of OosterEiland
The way to Sotchi for Jan Blokhuijsen still suported by Source
Anuga 2013
Source BV sponsores upcomming Skatelegend Jan Blokhuijs
After the succes story with sponsoring sporters in their way to the olympic Summergames of 2012, Source BV decided to sponsor Jan Blokhuijs.
Jan Blokhuijs is an upcomming skating legend. After winning bronze the the 2010 Olympic Wintergames in Vancouver, Jan continued his way to the top. Because he also became 2nd at the Allround European championships in 2011, 3rd at the World Championships Allround of that year. In 2012 Jan became 2nd at the European Championships in 2012 as well as 2nd at the World Championships of 2012.
As a team member and trainingpartner of Sven Kramer, Jan is eagered to stand on the highest podium of the 2014 olympic Wintergames in Sochi.
Source BV is gladly helping Jan to be able to obtain his goal.